"There is no failure except in no longer trying. "
~ Elbert Hubbard
So I sent in my resume and website to a lot of places today and did follow up phone calls with a batch of places I sent my stuff to last week. "We're not hiring at this time." I know, I know...but I'm good. Trust me you might not have it in your budget to add on a new salary, but I'd be really good for you. These are the things I want to plead from my end of the phone. Do you understand that a job search in this market, for a job that I may have the skill set for but not the exact experience in, is forcing me to face my fear of failure like never before. I can't just not look for a job to avoid failure and rejection. In order to succeed I have to try and subsequently fail. The Hubbard quote is encouraging today as I face no after no.
BUT there is hope yet. The #1 place I've wanted to work since beginning to explore the market has yet to reject me. They've yet to get back to me, but still. If you are a praying person send one up to the Big Guy for me and this job. In the meantime I'll just keep chanting to myself, "Keep trying, keep trying, keep trying."
Do you follow Amy Atlas' blog? If not, here it is:
Often she'll feature dessert tables that people have done on their own and sent pictures to her. I think you should submit your work to her. Who knows...maybe we'll see your work up there? That wouldn't be bad exposure.
Yes Sam I follow Amy! She is the queen.