Yesterday my friend Allie who runs her own invitation business invited me to help her at a bridal show. Our friend Shannon has been "interning" with her this summer to learn the graphic design side of event planning and I joke that I am interning for Shannon. So Allie, Shannon, and me as Shannon's assistant worked the bridal show together. I wouldn't really call it working at Allie did all the schmoozing, Shannon did all the secondary "chatting up", and I just entertained the two of them. At one point Allie had to leave the table for a moment and we were left to greet the brides. When my turn came up I began talking to a couple and two sentences into my spiel I attempted to explain how all of the designs are completely customizable. I saw Shannon watching me and Allie approaching and I was keenly aware of every word coming out of my mouth, so when I stumbled with the word customizable I wondered out loud if that was even a word. I became flustered and giggly and just handed the couple back off to Allie.
I suck.
So yes I have begun my immersion into the wedding world and have begun networking, but I fear that if I choked over the use of a non-word, how am I going to survive in a service based industry? I know I'll be fine, but my first day out was less than polished. I'll get the hang of it.
Friday, July 30
Thursday, July 29
The Job Hunt Begins
Man, two missed posts. I just have to say that the previous post about being "righteously indignant" and "morally outraged" is not so funny anymore as the very next day I felt both of those things (and even used them in a sentence). Also just so you know, I did not feel those ways towards Daniel, but rather something much different. Needless to say, when you have two days were you are feeling "righteously indignant", blog posts are hard to come by.
On a different note, I completed my resume and will launch my website today that I'm using as an online portfolio to supplement my resume. If you are a person who prays, I would much appreciate some supernatural assistance as the job search gets underway. Unemployment has provided a lovely rest, but I'm excited to see what's next. Here's to hoping against hope that this process will not be long and agonizing as it is for so many facing unemployment. I have to confess my fear about this. Up until now I haven't had to confront this because I haven't tried yet. But now that I will start applying and actively seeking a job, my fears of rejection can actually be confirmed. Here we go.
On a different note, I completed my resume and will launch my website today that I'm using as an online portfolio to supplement my resume. If you are a person who prays, I would much appreciate some supernatural assistance as the job search gets underway. Unemployment has provided a lovely rest, but I'm excited to see what's next. Here's to hoping against hope that this process will not be long and agonizing as it is for so many facing unemployment. I have to confess my fear about this. Up until now I haven't had to confront this because I haven't tried yet. But now that I will start applying and actively seeking a job, my fears of rejection can actually be confirmed. Here we go.
Monday, July 26
I Feel...
Went to the counselor today and came home with an honestly helpful worksheet for how to use "I feel" statements when sharing emotions. Number 21 was awesome, only to be outdone by number 28. I cannot wait to bust out either of these phrases while talking to Daniel...
Honey, the dishes keep piling up so I feel righteously indignant.
Sweetheart the way you missed as spot while mowing the yard made me feel morally outraged.
Honey, the dishes keep piling up so I feel righteously indignant.
Sweetheart the way you missed as spot while mowing the yard made me feel morally outraged.
Sunday, July 25
Chivalry Is Not Dead
Daniel and I have been taken advantage of our bikes the past few days since there's been a little reprieve in the heat as the sun goes down. We're not a spandex and helmet type of cyclist family, but the more relaxed cruiser style biking kind. (Note the picture to the right and you'll notice my bike wasn't built for speed but for carrying flowers and the like in my front mounted basket.) We've been exploring the bike paths out at Longview Lake and I've been loving the leisurely rides through the woods and across wooden bridges as we pass over the creeks.
Tonight my pedal fell off...again. This is even a new pedal as this is a reoccurring problem. Without any hesitation Daniel hopped off his bike to try and screw it back in for me and after seeing that the tread was busted he generously gave me his bike. He rode shamelessly on my baby blue bike with the white basket on the front with only one pedal. What a gentleman. I'm impressed by how he figured out the physics of forward propeltion with the use of only one pedal, but even more so by his graciousness and chivalry. He's a keeper. (The pedal is not.)
Tonight my pedal fell off...again. This is even a new pedal as this is a reoccurring problem. Without any hesitation Daniel hopped off his bike to try and screw it back in for me and after seeing that the tread was busted he generously gave me his bike. He rode shamelessly on my baby blue bike with the white basket on the front with only one pedal. What a gentleman. I'm impressed by how he figured out the physics of forward propeltion with the use of only one pedal, but even more so by his graciousness and chivalry. He's a keeper. (The pedal is not.)

I've been missing posts a lot last night. The past two times it's happened was because I fell asleep watching TV and the last thing on my mind was a blog post.
Last night I fell asleep while Daniel and I were watching Shaun of the Dead. It had to have been approaching 1am so there shouldn't have been any shame in falling asleep. But I think I still get embarrassed falling asleep in front of people, even my own husband, because I would wake up slightly to his laughter and then found myself laughing along too. This happened around 3 times and the final time he finally asked me, "Are you asleep?" At this point I woke up enough to realize what I had been doing: faking laughter while having no idea what was happening in the movie, but knowing that he was laughing, so in order to keep up the charade of awake-ness I was subconsciously urging myself to laugh along.
At camp me and Kate would watch the Bachelorette on hulu and one afternoon I couldn't seem to stay awake while lounging on my bed in our makeshift home theater. I would wake up at different points, hear one of the guys make a comment, and then ask a question that made absolutely no sense. Kate, in her kind manner, would stare at me confused and then try to explain what was happening. Realizing I had just spoken while half asleep, my embarrassment would kick in and I'd scramble trying to justify why I had just asked the most random of question, all the while hoping she wouldn't know I had fallen asleep.
Where does this embarrassment come from? Why am I afraid to let people see me fall asleep at odd (or even not so odd) times? I'm weird.
Last night I fell asleep while Daniel and I were watching Shaun of the Dead. It had to have been approaching 1am so there shouldn't have been any shame in falling asleep. But I think I still get embarrassed falling asleep in front of people, even my own husband, because I would wake up slightly to his laughter and then found myself laughing along too. This happened around 3 times and the final time he finally asked me, "Are you asleep?" At this point I woke up enough to realize what I had been doing: faking laughter while having no idea what was happening in the movie, but knowing that he was laughing, so in order to keep up the charade of awake-ness I was subconsciously urging myself to laugh along.
At camp me and Kate would watch the Bachelorette on hulu and one afternoon I couldn't seem to stay awake while lounging on my bed in our makeshift home theater. I would wake up at different points, hear one of the guys make a comment, and then ask a question that made absolutely no sense. Kate, in her kind manner, would stare at me confused and then try to explain what was happening. Realizing I had just spoken while half asleep, my embarrassment would kick in and I'd scramble trying to justify why I had just asked the most random of question, all the while hoping she wouldn't know I had fallen asleep.
Where does this embarrassment come from? Why am I afraid to let people see me fall asleep at odd (or even not so odd) times? I'm weird.
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