Sunday, September 12

You're Joking Right?

"Okay Hattie I'm going to have you start your shift today by trying on all the clothes."

"Excuse me?"

"I'll open one of the fitting rooms in the back for you and just go ahead and fill it up with everything to try on."

"You're joking right?"

"We like our associates to know how things fit so they can better assist clients."

"So just pants and denim?"

"No everything: skirts, jackets, tees, everything."

"Is this a trick?"

My first hour at work today was a shopper's dream come true. I literally went around the store and picked out huge stacks of clothes and then went to the large fitting room and played dress up. The whole time I was wondering if this was a. a test (where I would fail if I didn't catch on that clearly employees shouldn't be shopping or trying on clothes while still on the clock) or b. a practical joke they play on newbies. It was neither, but it was fun. It actually makes a lot of sense. This way I am knowledgeable when speaking to the sizing and tailoring of each item. But the scenario just seemed a little too good to be true. I think those sneaky suckers at corporate probably know that this hour in the fitting rooms only further tempts their employees to utilize the discount and spend their paycheck at the store just pumping money back into the machine. I had the thought at one point, "Maybe because I haven't purchased anything with my discount yet they're trying to nudge me a little. Surely they only resort to this with the more conservative spending employees." I know how paranoid I sound. Anyway, I'm really enjoying this job if you can't tell.


  1. Girl I know! Did you know teachers get a 15% discount each and every visit? not sure if your new job qualifies you in that department still. Hope so!
