Tuesday, April 27

An Open Letter to a Boston Terrier

We were at Independence Center today which is one of the only local malls that still has a pet store, so whenever we're there we visit the puppies. We used to visit the animal shelter pretty regularly (even when not actually in the market for a new dog). I think we viewed ourselves as kind of candy stripers for the dogs: kind faces and kind words to comfort the sad sacks at the shelter. Our visit to the puppies today reminded me of a letter I wrote to one of the shelter dogs after a less than encouraging trip to the shelter.

An Open Letter to a Boston Terrier

Dear Sir,

Today at the animal shelter you were quite rude. I thought I should warn you concerning this behavior since your life is on the line. When we approached your kennel the growling was rather unnecessary. Worse still when we reached to read your information poster, your snarl and attacking lunge were fairly jarring. I have found that most adopters would not find these actions appealing in a prospective pet.

Now sir you have an astute stature and an agreeable face. These qualities make for an excellent first impression behind the kennel bars. I’m sure you have much to offer. But you simply are not putting your best foot forward.

I see pain behind those angry eyes and am sure you have quite the story as to how you ended up on death row. Owners can be wanting and the world an unforgiving place. Your new family would love to help you work through your abandonment issues. But first sir you must remove the protective shield around your broken heart and let them in.

Please take heed to my words as I fear your time is running short. Sir you have been given a second chance. And though all dogs go to heaven I would certainly feel sad if you missed out on life here with a new loving family.


A concerned citizen and animal lover

PS- You might try wagging your tail. Humans love that as we do not have tails of our own in which to wag.

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