Sunday, April 25

Annie x 5

I'm in St. Louis visiting my friend Annie from Chicago. I'm lucky enough that her brother got married within driving distance for me to come visit her. I got much more than I bargained for in my trip by getting to spend the day with not just Annie, but also her two brothers, new sister-in-law, mom, and grandma. This family is amazing. Each conversation is like a stand-up routine. Every story could be turned into an SNL skit. Each member of the family is their own character in a comedy of epic proportions. They play off of each other so well as to entertain new guests and anyone within earshot. And they sure know how to crack each other up. The maid of honor's comment was, "You guys laugh REALLY loud at everything, even if it's not that funny." Whether it's a story of John winning $11,000 at the slots, indulging his Looney Toons obsession as a teenager, Annie's bell bottoms, wig worn to prom, or stories of her as an on air radio personality, or Joey's night terrors and horseback riding, these siblings are crazy, hilarious, and the most likable threesome you'll ever meet. And boy do they know how to love. They wear their emotions on their sleeves. They have showered their new sister-in-law with welcoming words, hugs, and a little hazing. I have felt like an honorary member of the family today and this is a clan I could get used to.

1 comment:

  1. the night terrors story is maybe my all-time favorite.
