Wednesday, April 14

"Just Claire"

Claire is one of my Young Life girls and I just love her. She's a kid that will become one of my friends after she graduates. She's a lifer (whether she knows it or not, but I think she knows). Tonight after club she grabbed Daniel's guitar and starting playing and singing. This was a big deal because she's never played in front of her friends before and she played for a group of 10 at once. She's been taking lessons this year and was showcasing all she has learned for the first time. She was so brave! I've been really inspired by her picking up the guitar. When she was on vacation with friends, the group met some boys (of course). When they were introducing themselves there was an activity attached to each girl: "This is ____, she plays volleyball. This is _______, she sings in the choir", etc. When they came to Claire she was "just Claire". Which in my book and everyone else's was enough. Being "just Claire" is pretty great when you know and love who Claire is. She doesn't need a thing. She's enough. But being "just Claire" really bothered her, so when she came home she landed on playing the guitar as her thing. Though she is enough on her own, I was really impressed by her skill. She plays very well. I was more inspired by her bravery though to play and sing in front of her friends. "Just Claire" is special for so many reasons and now she can add guitar playing to that list.

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