Saturday, April 17

A Dog's Life

While hanging out with friends tonight Daniel and I confessed some of our craziness. Everyone has quirks, eccentricities, and moments of crazy. You don't realize they are crazy until you discuss them with others and they respond to you with, "Really?" Our friend Kate was talking about her issues with dirty floors and socks. I can't clearly describe her issue because it was well, crazy. You could watch the realization of her craziness wash over her face as she gauged our reactions. "I thought everyone thought this way."

I told the room about our completely crazy relationship with our dogs. A lot of people talk to their dogs like they are people. A lot of people pretend that their dogs talk back. A lot of people give their dogs nicknames. But we have taken this interaction to as our friend Molly says, "A whole new level".

We have created entire lives for our dogs complete with friends, extracurricular activities, and the canine equivalent to the high school ministry of Young Life: Dog Life (oh and don't forget the middle school version Wyld Life: Puppy Life). Since Daniel and I are YL leaders, we have given Toby and Penny a Dog Life leader. His name is Ronnie and he is the Doberman that lives around the corner. Daniel selected the Doberman since he looks like a giant version of Toby. Their favorite sport is Basketsballs. (This is where it gets really crazy as I reveal the imaginary game we have crafted for them.) Basketsballs consists of multiple goals placed on the ground where two teams try to score using multiple balls and defend their own goals. The dogs have sleepovers with their friends where they play "jump" and "bark" and sing songs. We have created friends for them. Some of Toby's friends are Max and Alex; Max is a Jack Russell Terrier. Penny's are Sammy and Bella; Bella is a Pomeranian.

The most common occurrence of delusion is in the day to day conversations we conduct with the dogs. For example this morning I informed Daniel that Toby wanted to start being referred to as "Slick Rick" and Penny wanted to start going by "Little Rascal". I'm not sure when all these delusions started, but I am sure of two things: we are very creative and I married the right person because he goes right along with it never once flinching at the absurdity of it all.

I think this is just a product of not having children who are active and busy and have lives of their own so instead we fabricate lives for our pets. "A whole new level" indeed. Sooner or later my friends are going to read one of these posts and declare me legally insane.

Penny or "Mop Top" or "Little Rascal"

Toby or "Tobo Tebow" Daniel isn't a big fan of Tim Tebow, but Toby loves him. He thinks he's a great role model.


  1. I just discovered your blog, and just discovered that I love your blog. I also love how you love your dogs.
