Tuesday, February 2

The Beginning of the End

Lost is back. Glorious.

I don't want it to end...ever. What am I going to do with the rest of my life?

Whenever people tell me they have just begun watching the previous seasons on DVD and are catching up, I am so jealous. What I wouldn't give to be able to start over, not knowing what I know now and reliving it all over again. Daniel and I cannot watch live episodes with other people. I know a lot of people have watching parties with friends for shows they enjoy. We tried that once while enjoying quesadillas with Josh and Sarah, but we are better off watching alone. We don't want to miss anything and when others are around we just get too social and distracted. I said once this season is over and we purchase the entire series box set, then we should have watching parties without fear of missing something. Daniel took it one step further (in complete jest) and said we should form a small group where we invite others to watch an episode and then talk about the spiritual themes and then "evangelize" the group. He called it "Lost for the lost". I hope this joke doesn't offend anyone because I wouldn't be surprised if there are already groups like this in existence who are not joking.

A friend posted one of the season's promo pics. I mean does it get any better than this?

And the last supper theme would fit perfect into our evangelizing plan.


  1. Hattie,

    I have had this blog for a little while but I'm horrible at writing and computers so I didn't do anything with it. Well, I don't care what people think or if my 'english' makes sense and so I have officially entered the blog world!

    I should be commenting on the post below to tell you that I ready your blog. But you kinda already know that. haha

    Now, on the topic of lost. Jonathan is obsessed with the show. I actually watched the hour recap show thinking I would be able to get caught up and watch the last season with no confusion...well I was way wrong. Jonathan compared that to reading a page of cliff notes for a 800 page book. Needless to say, get jealous because I'm going to have to start from episode one.

  2. Christie, I'm so excited to read you! And I'm sure you'll make sense.

    As far as Lost goes, the Onion posted a hilarious video about how annoying Lost fans are. Having a one-spouse-Lost-fan household, I'm sure you'd appreciate it. If anything you can be a part of our small group, jk. But we really are going to have watch parties after the DVD release so you're invited.
