Wednesday, September 1

I'm an Examiner

Another endeavor I've taken on is writing freelance for An ad came up on Career Builder, I submitted a writing sample and now I have the chance to write about local shopping and style. It doesn't pay much of anything, but it'll keep me writing and gives me an excuse to pursue my love of clothing (even if that just means window shopping and writing about it). My first article went up today. If you'd like to support me this way feel free to click through. Any small amount of money I'll make is based on how many hits, comments, and activity my articles get. You can subscribe to my articles too, but only Greg will probably do that :) So now I have two forms of employment that involve clothing. I'm really getting sidetracked here as I'm attempting to do event planning!


  1. that article is great Hattie!


  2. I'm pretty sure you are talking about me. I don't hate your honesty.
