Monday, August 2

A Wise Investment

I have to tell you that at the end of the day of Tweeting and Tumblr-ing and website-ing as I continue to network online as part of the job search, THIS feels like coming home. We're approaching the 200th post and I'm still shocked at how posting something everyday still continues to change and grow me. A reader might not notice it, especially since the majority of the posts are extremely random and disjointed, but I as the writer notice the difference. I reminded myself time and time again that the process was more important than the product. Breaking myself of this perfectionism is more vital than maintaining the charade of perfection in my performance. I am different already, but certainly still have a long way to go. But this little project here is working. I'm sure I'll be able to articulate why at some point in this journey, just not quite yet.

Speaking of you like that poor excuse for a transition? I was listening to Hot 103 Jamz ("don't forget to slam that z") this past weekend. Okay side note: I was listening because there was a good run of songs playing that I could sing along with and I may or may not have been trying to memorize choruses and cataloguing good songs for use in my wedding band/singer repertoire. I really really want to perform with a wedding band. I just need a couple to trust me enough to let me and the band perform at their wedding. Anyway, a quick segment came on where the radio personality pulled out a question from the mailbag to answer. The topic was how to become wealthy if you don't come from affluence. His advice was really great as he began with the importance of saving, saving, saving. He also talked about cutting your spending and reevaluating your needs vs. your wants. For example diamond jewelry depreciates so you shouldn't waste your time on things like diamond encrusted emblems hanging from a chain dripping in diamonds, or fresh clothes, or spinners (no matter how badly you want them). Good sound advice, right? And then he said to invest your money. He did mention stocks, but it was about fourth on his list somewhere after...ready for it? stamps and antique coins. These things only appreciate in value, so invest now and you'll be rich later. Can't say I've heard this advice recently or ever for that matter. So I'll definitely look into it. Sounds promising. While I'm at in I'll probably pick up a lottery ticket as well just in case the coins or baseball cards or Hummel collection doesn't work out.

1 comment:

  1. As I venture into the financial world, I give a thumbs up to the Jamz man for telling people to spend less and save more.

    I'd go easy on the stamp investments though. Call me crazy and biased but I'll stick with the markets.
