Friday, March 19

Memory Lane

Sometimes over holidays and when family is in town, Daniel and I stay at our parents' houses. (Our parents live only a few doors down from each other...yes, I married the boy next door.) So tonight I will fall asleep in my husband's old bedroom where there are trophies still on the bookcase, pictures from high school filling all the frames, and a nightstand full of notes written from old middle school girlfriends. (We wondered if kids still write each other notes during class or if they just text instead. Also, rereading these notes is pretty hilarious, "Hey sexay, just writin u this note. I'm in art just being bored." Gotta love 7th grade admirers.)

I forget sometimes how well and for how long I've known Daniel. I forget about our friendship that began back in high school. I take for granted that we had all the same friends, went to the same games and parties. He just has always been present in my life since the time the important stuff started happening. I've been in his parents' house and in his bedroom so many times before as his friend, his girlfriend, and now his wife, that it's not weird or something I even think about. Until now I guess. Penny is asleep at the end of the bed and started dreaming. I could hear her high pitched little half asleep yip yip. And that made me look around the room and notice Toby as well. Here we are, our little family.

Back when I was sixteen I never would have pictured myself here in this house like this, but now I can't picture it any other way.

1 comment:

  1. just so you still write notes :) (I get to read a lot of the ones I take from my students in class) hehe
