Saturday, March 20

I'm Hattie and I'm not a PC

One rule I have given myself for internet posting whether that be blogging or facebooking is to not be negative. I feel a tangent brewing... The internet can be a mean place. It is really easy to say negative things on the internet when not having to answer for your comments. You can say whatever you want by posting anonymously. More often people will say really harsh things that they wouldn't normally say to a person's face. Recently I have been really irritated by people's political statements on facebook. If I want to read political commentary I'll visit sites that provide it. But when I'm on facebook wanting to leisurely peruse my homepage I hate when someone's status includes them spouting off on the latest controversy assuming they have all the facts (and that I agree with them). But this open forum is what attracts many to the whole idea of social networking, so I guess it's not up to me. KU was just upset during the tournament today and now it's all anyone is talking about on facebook whether that's MU fans "rubbing it in" or KU fans being defensive and rude in their own right. Can't we all just get along?

So anyway I try to not be negative if I can. I'm not saying I've never been rude or sarcastic, but I try not to be. With blogging I find a lot of people who write and joke at the expense of someone else. I'm turned off by sites that are based simply on critiquing from afar. (The Soup is obviously my TV exception to this though.)

Well I really need an exception tonight...

You see I had planned to post pictures tonight of our two visits this past week to Chuck E. Cheese (you heard me, two!). My young nieces were so excited to see themselves on the blog. And I was excited to show the faces of children joyful and jubilant at the site of lights, games, and an endearing robotic mouse. Imagine your delight at viewing said pictures. Well, not gonna happen. (Don't continue reading if you want to avoid my inarticulate rant of what went wrong.) Since I'm at my parents' house and don't have my USB cord to download pictures, I entrusted my little netbook's card reader slot to do the downloading. No iphoto on my PC obviously and my unfamiliarity with the Windows picture viewer meant I lost my downloaded pics. I couldn't try to download them a second time because when putting the plastic guard back into the card reader slot I put it in upside down and now it is jammed inside the slot. We have been a Mac household since I can remember. The only time I work on a PC is when I go to the computer lab at the library once every few months to update the financial software for my job. I recently purchased an inexpensive netbook for use when I travel. It took me a few days to relearn how to use Windows. Macs are so intuitive and if you haven't used a PC in a few years, you realize how unintuitive they are. I don't want to launch into a big Mac vs. PC debate here, or offend any loyal PC users, or claim that I am better or cooler because I'm a Mac person. I just want to vent that this post tonight sucks because I didn't have access to a Mac. So post failure, not my fault, but failure nonetheless. I'm sorry for wasting the time of anyone who actually read this far. Don't blame me, blame the PC.

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