Wednesday, March 17

Kids Say the Darndest Things

My sister and nieces from Minnesota are in town for spring break. They are quite the hilarious trio...and my brother-in-law may not be here with them but he's quite the crack up as well. We've been entertaining ourselves with the little hand-held game 20 questions. Have you played this? The computer is about 95% accurate (in my experience) in coming up with what we were thinking of. The first time I played with my mom and the computer produced what she had been thinking of ("ice skate" if you were curious), I thought my mom was going to have a heart attack. She began devising conspiracy theories about how there must be some sort of hidden camera or microphone in the device spying on us in order to produce such answers.

This reminded me of one of my favorite quotes from my niece Katie (and there are many).While playing the original/all-human game of 20 questions on a roadtrip:
"Mom, what does baby start with?"
"B.""Okay I'm thinking of something that starts with the letter b and it's not baby."
"Is it baby?"

Because I'm feeling generous I'll share this gem with you as well.
Katie while sitting on Daniel's lap over Christmas a few years ago:
"Do you smell toot (fart)?"
"Why did you toot?"

It's stupid stuff like this that lightens me up. I can get stuck in my own head too often, take everything too seriously, over analyze, and worry myself sick. I need more silliness in my life to keep me grounded. Maybe I should have kids of my own or a better idea is to just track down old episodes of Bill Cosby hosting Kids Say the Darndest Things and borrow other peoples' kids for my amusement. It's certainly a more affordable and time saving option.

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