Tuesday, March 2

Getting My Muchness Back

We were able to catch an advanced screening of Alice in Wonderland tonight thanks to family. There's nothing more enchanting than a great heroine. This exchange between the Hatter and Alice stirred that part of me that is preparing to leave the safety zone and rediscover who I was intended to be.

Hatter, "You're not who you used to be. You were much more...muchier. You've lost your muchness."

Alice's journey continues and she finally wakes up to this reality. She has lost her muchness and she wants it back. Bravely she goes on to defy the Hatter's statement by coming to the rescue of all of Wonderland. Alice, "Lost my muchness have I?"

I had lost my muchness. I'm claiming it back now.


  1. i feel like this post belongs in an Eldredge book.

  2. OMG you're exactly right. Let's bet next year's Eldredge book has this Alice quote in it. I should start making Lord of the Rings inspirational posters. Eldredge fans would go nuts for them (I mean who wouldn't?).
