Tuesday, January 19

Snow Sucks

The snow is almost almost completely melted! I can see more grass than snow at this point. I'd like to bid the snow adieu with one of the few happy memories it brought with it as seen in the pictures below. Our mini-blizzard caused a $900 car repair on the SUV we've only owned for a month due to getting stuck and knocking out the power steering pump. Also the city didn't plow our street for the first week and since we don't have a driveway, I was left with no where to park. I opted to park in the city hall parking garage and walk 4 blocks through un-plowed snow anytime I needed my car. So needless to say I've been less than a fan of the winter wonderland.

But here are some pics from a fun afternoon spent in the snow with the doggies. The snow was deeper than they were tall, so they spent a lot of time inside and got pretty stir crazy (as did their owners). A kind neighbor took his snow blower to our sidewalk one morning, so we took advantage of the opportunity to take them outside for a little exercise.

Toby is a weenie so he spent most of the time bundled in Daniel's coat.

Toby looking like a nerd in his sister's sweater trying to stay warm. Check out the rope leash I made as a Christmas present for my boy and his dog.

Penny is very brave and wandered off the plowed path. Her overgrown scruffy coat came in handy that day.

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