Friday, July 2

Another Missed Day

I missed yet another post last night. I hope I can chalk it up to being at camp and that missed posts don't become a habit once back home. I don't know if I'll be posting at all next week while I take my own high schoolers to camp in Colorado. We'll have to see.

The reason I missed a post last night was because I fell asleep. I was working on a project for a morning event that I'm in charge of and for the third week in a row, I fell asleep mid project with the computer on my lap. Each time I've woken up with the lights on, computer still open, and really confused as to what I was doing and how I got in that position. It was all I could do to close down the computer, turn off the lights, and settle in to bed. Needless to say I didn't pop the computer back on in order to complete a blog post.

I think the last time I fell asleep in the middle of doing something like this was back in college. Many a night during finals week I would wake up drooling on my notes while trying to study. Despite spotting the empty mountain dew cans when I awoke, I was always confused as to exactly what had happened. There are times when your body just gives out and doesn't allow you to stay awake despite your willing it to do otherwise.

As an adult this doesn't happen to me...until now here at camp. I've gotten so used to the perpetual state of tiredness that mentally I think I'm fine to continue working while in reality my body indicates otherwise. Just another funny camp memory.

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