I hadn't told a lot of people about my interview(s) because I've been through this a few times before. It's not that I don't like telling people that I didn't get the job when they ask how my interview went, it's more that I don't take the interviews as seriously. That's not to say that I don't prepare for them and try hard to put my best foot forward; it's to say that I don't view
every interview as a job offer. Not getting every job you interview for will do that to you. The interview becomes an opportunity rather than a guarantee. But enough rambling.

The best part of Friday was getting to share the good news with the handful of people who were aware of my most recent job search. The first person I called was Daniel who proceeded to jump into his car to meet me for a celebratory lunch. Then I called my mom. Then I got to text a Young Life girl who kept asking after every interview if I had heard anything yet because she was "really anxious" for me. She's known me for a few years and has watched me go on a lot of interviews over the past year. I texted a friend from J.Crew who has been waiting for good new
s so she can take me out for drinks. We don't really need an excuse to get friends together for Happy Hour, but she's paying so it's a double win. I texted my friend and former supervisor in Young Life, Drew who agreed to be a reference for me a year ago when my transition off of Young Life staff began. In the past 12 months Drew has filled out a number of surveys and character references on my behalf each time a potential employer contacted him. He responded to my text that he's "enjoyed being part of the process". Maybe next time someone asks me if I'll be a reference for them, I'll need to give them a time limit. Then I got to email my small group. They had been praying for me and rooting me on. It felt good to give them a positive update instead of news of another job missed out on. Their congratulatory responses were fun to receive especially from Molly who said, "You'd better get used to being called Mrs. Cummings". That night I went to the Royals game with my three best friends from growing up. They are literally my oldest friends in the world (20+ years). I told them I had to show them something and I pulled out my new i.d. badge from the district. Jill hesitated for a moment in confusion after reading the word secretary as "security". If she was excited for me and my new security gig, you should have seen her joy once she realized my job was as a secretary. I have good friends.
And now I get to share the news with my long-suffering reader-friends. After my last two posts, this news may not come as a surprise. I had sensed God was about to lead me out of this last season of restlessness in work. He had some things he needed to teach me that could only be accomplished through breaking me. I felt like I learned what he was trying to teach me and was now ready for the next season. Sure enough it looks like I am and here we go with a new job.
Relieved is the best word I can use to describe how I feel. That and abundance. I walked into my final interview/meeting with human resources prepared to accept a 10 month position and on the first step of the pay scale. I found out the job is a year round position which also places me in a different column of the pay scale and because of my previous years of administrative experience I am starting out a few steps up. I have benefits paid for by the district. It's awesome, just awesome. Because I had never run the figures of hourly pay at the step that I'm at and for a full 12 months, I pulled out the calculator on my phone on my drive home. When I saw the number come up I laugh cried. (I don't know that I've done that before but it is where you audibly laugh but at the same time there are tears and a little shaking. Weird.) The number was less than what I have made before, but so much more than this past year. And after learning to live on less and living with a spirit of gratitude, this seems like a lot of money. I called Daniel and told him, "I think we are rich again."
It's a good day. Go Sharks!
So excited for you Hattie.
ReplyDeleteGet it girl. You will be the coolest secretary at the school. All the kids will want to run notes to the office just to visit you. Congrats!
ReplyDeleteHappiest post I've read!! So happy for you...and Daniel...and the doggies...
ReplyDeleteWay to go friend. Your YL experience will come in handy when you start learning kids' names!!