Monday, October 11

Third Job...but Seriously

My journal entry today literally started with, "I feel like I'm right back where I started." Turns out it's harder to work as a princess than anticipated, which leads me to another job search as I try to move closer to a full 40 hour work week. Since I already have two jobs I didn't think this search would be as discouraging as the first, but it's no picnic. Where do I start? What should I try? How many hours is it offering? What does it pay? I think my discouragement comes from needing something that pays more than $8.50 but is still flexible enough and temporary enough to allow for me to really pursue wedding planning as that position grows in the next year.

The amount of work I'm currently doing and the pay is what older wealthy women do. You know just work for something fun to do, for the discount on clothes, for who knows why (if I was rich I wouldn't work 'for fun'). I need an income. I need to contribute to my family. Ugh this is hard. One job I think could be fun is to work in an elementary school library. Today I happened to find that position in my own school district nonetheless! I couldn't believe it. I clicked on the little button that said enthusiastically, "I want to apply for this position!" It sent me to a screen that said the application deadline had passed. I looked at the listing again and realized I had missed the cutoff by (ready for this?) 45 minutes. I called human resources and was told this was a 'hard deadline' meaning I cannot apply after the fact. Seriously? I have to trust that it wasn't meant to be, but seriously, c'mon! Wish me luck as I continue my search. I need it.

1 comment:

  1. you should consider substitute teaching. You get to pick your schedule! Missouri districts pay about $90/day but Kansas districts pay like $130/day...just a thought :)
