Tuesday, September 21


I've got nothin' tonight, but I can't go to bed until I post so here goes...

This summer at camp we use the tool of Post Secret for one of our presentations. This got me thinking as to what I would confess as one of my secrets. Well I've got a pretty embarrassing one and since I coached 5 others at camp through sharing intimate details about their lives, the least I can do is divulge something embarrassing. They shared hard parts of their story and this is something silly, funny, so it certainly doesn't compare to what I asked them to share.

Whenever I use a public restroom that is a single stall (so one toilet, sink, and mirror all in one room) I wonder if the mirror is a two-way mirror giving someone on the other side a view of the restroom and a view of those using it during their "vulnerable" state. Weird huh? Not sure where this came from, but every time I'm in a restroom like that I think about it. So there it is. Crazy I know.

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